Debit Cards
Free Visa® Debit Card accepted around the globe and online
Use your debit card to qualify for rewards with free Southeastern Reward Checking Accounts
Take control of your debit card with MyCardRules. Just download the MyCardRules app, and you can:
Instantly turn a card on or OFF if it's lost, stolen, or being misused
Set transactions to have a specific spending limit
Set up alerts for every time a card is used or on certain types of transactions
Restrict purchases at certain types of stores and merchants
Set your card to only be used when your mobile device is nearby
Fast, free, and easy
Safer than carrying cash
Eliminate the cost of purchasing checks
24/7 access to funds via ATMs
ATMs located at all of our SCU branch offices.
Deposit cash or checks
24/7 access to easily withdraw funds
Transfer funds
Automated Telephone Service (ATS)
With a touch tone phone, your account number, and personal identification number (PIN), you can access your account using the Automated Telephone Service (ATS). Please notify the Call Center to set-up this service during normal business hours, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Using the ATS, you can access your account to:
Transfer funds between your accounts
Access your line of credit
Make loan payments (within SCU accounts)
Verify if checks have cleared
And much, much more
To get started, call: (844) 252-3783
Live life on your terms. We'll work with you to find the financing you need - and deserve.